Aircraft Carrier 2
硫黄島の戦い 2月19日 - 3月26日
日本軍守備兵18,000名(含 戦車第26連隊長西竹一大佐、バロン西、1932年ロスアンゼルスオリンピック馬術障害飛越金メダリスト、日本が馬術で獲得した唯一の金メダル)は全滅、米軍も約7,000名が戦死した。
1945年2月21日 硫黄島
護衛空母ビスマーク・シー Bismarck Sea(CVE-95) escort carrier 沈没
戦死者318名 負傷者99名
1945年2月21日 硫黄島
空母サラトガ Saratoga(CV-3) 大破
戦死者123名 負傷者192名
The Sacred Warriors P170 USS Saratoga
The Saratoga's action report tells the story:
1700 [5:00 P.M.]: Coordinated attack by six Japanese suicide
planes commenced coming in out of the clouds to the east.
Opened fire. Planes (one or two) strafed ship while coming in
fast. No. 1 plane hit and on fire, crashed into the starboard
side, penetrated into the hangar deck. Violent explosions. No.
2 plane, hit and on fire, hit water and bounced into starboard
side, at waterline. Violent explosion. Five-degree list to star-
board. No. 3 plane shot down clear of ship. No. 4 plane from
astern updeck dropped bomb into anchor windlass through
port catapult and crashed into the water.
1705 (5:05 P.M.)Catapults and forward flight deck out of
commission. Ceased launching. No. 5 plane, hit and burning,
headed for bridge, carried away antenna and signal halyard,
crashed into port catapult, and exploded violently. No. 6
plane, hit and burning, crashed into airplane crane on star-
board side, dropped bomb starboard side flight deck, parts of
the plane landing in No. 1 gun gallery. Rest of the plane went
over the port side. During attack, ship turned to starboard full
rudder to clear flames from bow. Main generator trimmed out
momentarily (one bomb or torpedo hit starboard at turn of the
bilge; this hit was unobserved by anyone aboard).
The sun set at 6:25 P.M. Only half light remained when the lookouts on the Bismarck Sea saw three planes headed toward the escort carrier Lunga Point on the port bow. The Bismarck Sea's batteries shot down one of these.
A few seconds later the lookouts saw a second plane flying at twenty to twenty-five feet above the water directly toward the Lunga Point. Just as the plane got to within what seemed to be feet from the Lunga Point, it dodged around its stern and came directly for the Bismarck Sea.'
Whether it was caused by the detonation of the plane's bomb or was simply a combination of the noise of the gasoline tank exploding coin-cidentally with the impact of the plane, the crew heard an explosion of horrendous proportions. A huge fire followed. This seemed more or less under control when, four minutes later, a second plane, using the flames as a guide, crashed through the flight deck and exploded among the fueled fighters. This explosion demolished the
entire rear of the hangar and blew all members of the crew on the fantail into the sea. It also killed most of the fire fighters. The inner part of the ship became volcanic, with flames shooting high into the air through the holes in the flight deck and the gaping sides of the hangar. An escort vessel standing by described the fire as a "holocaust engulfing the carrier from
her stern to amidships."
While the word was being passed for all hands to abandon ship, a third and much more violent explosion occurred in the vicinity of the fire on the hangar deck as one of the torpedoes blew up. This demolished the after end of the flight deck and blew away the sides and after end of the
hangar. Walkways and gun sponsons blew into the air and fell into the sea.
Captain John L. Pratt, who remained on the bridge, said he thought about 125 men were killed in the explosions in the ship. Many others were lost in the water. The wind had been blowing at twenty knots all day and the sea was rough and very hard for the swimmers. It was made even
harder when a Japanese plane, using the light of the burning ship, machine-gunned the men in the water. Bullets hit a raft containing most of the quartermasters, all of whom were killed.
A Mexican-American named Montoya, one of the Bismarck Sea's best lookouts, was on the searchlight platform, about eighty feet above the water. He heard the order to abandon ship and looked over the platform to the burning deck. Not caring for what he saw, he climbed the
rail on the searchlight platform and made a superb shallow dive into the night and the rough sea eighty feet below.
The flames of the Bismarck Sea continued to spread until they engulfed the whole ship. Just after eight o'clock, the Melvin R. 1Vewman, which was trying to rescue survivors, reported that about thirty-five men remained on the stricken ship and that few of the survivors in the water
wore life jackets. As the Melvin R. Newman watched, it heard loud crashing noises from the Bismarck Sea. She listed sharply to starboard and hung for perhaps thirty seconds at an angle of eighty degrees. The island broke off and crashed into the sea. At 8:08 P.M. she rolled over on
her beam ends, then completely turned over and sank. Two hundred eighteen officers and men went down with her.
The planes responsible for the surprise attack on the Saratoga came from Mitate (Shield of the Emperor) unit No. 2, under the command of Lieutenant Hiroshi Murakawa. Although the times in the Bismarck Sea's action report differ from those of the Japanese, it is possible that the loss
of that ship also was caused by Mitate unit No. 2. The attacks were direct reprisals for the fast carrier task force attack on Tokyo on February 16.
2月21日硫黄島沖で特攻機が突入したのは護衛空母ビスマルクシーと正規空母サラトガ以外に防潜網輸送艦キーアカック、戦車揚陸艦LST-477, 809にも損傷を与えた。
下記写真は「写真太平洋戦争 丸5 特攻」より
1945年3月11日 ウルシー
空母ランドルフ Randolph(CV-15) 大破
戦死者34名 負傷者125名
この日、海軍菊水部隊梓特別攻撃隊 銀河(乗員3名爆装800kg)24機が0910鹿屋基地を出撃、0925誘導のため二式大艇5機(乗員12名/機)が鹿児島基地を出撃した。黒丸隊長機が出発したのは0850。追い風のために出発を一時間繰り下げた。ウルシーまでは約3000km。次々と機体不良で落伍し、鹿屋出発から8時間後ウルシーへ到達したのは15機。1750日没。ウルシーまで30分の飛行距離であるヤップ島を目印にしていたが、1830になっても二式大艇はヤップ島を発見できず、大艇から攻撃隊は離れて進軍した。環礁に到着した時、すでに1852日没で米軍は灯火管制にあり、黒丸隊長は
第二御盾隊第一・二攻撃隊 彗星500㎏爆弾装備 10機 20名
出身 氏名 階級
海兵70 村川弘 大尉 第一次攻撃隊隊長 兼 総指揮官
甲飛2 原田喜太男 飛曹長
丙飛10 田中武夫 一飛曹
乙飛16 幸松正則 上飛曹
丙飛10 青木孝充 上飛曹
関大13 木下茂 少尉
甲飛9 小石政雄 上飛曹
乙飛16 戸倉勝二 上飛曹
丙飛11 大久保勲 一飛曹
海兵72 飯島晃 中尉 第二次攻撃隊隊長
丙飛15 水畑辰雄 二飛曹
乙飛16 下村千代吉 上飛曹
乙飛16 小松武 上飛曹
甲飛9 石塚元彦 上飛曹
甲飛11 三宅重男 一飛曹
丙飛10 伊藤正一 一飛曹
丙飛10 池田芳一 一飛曹
乙飛16 小山照夫 上飛曹
丙飛16 北爪円三 二飛曹
乙飛16 牧光広 上飛曹
直掩 零戦 5機
高等無線13 茨木速 中尉
乙飛15 志村雄作 上飛曹
甲飛11 森川博 一飛曹
特丙11 長与走 二飛曹
丙飛16 岡田金三 二飛曹
天山 800㎏爆弾装備 2名搭乗 9機 18名
丙飛17 原口章雄 一飛曹
甲飛12 清水邦夫 二飛曹
甲飛12 川原茂 二飛曹
中大13 中村吉太郎 少尉
乙飛14 小島三良 上飛曹
甲飛12 叶之人 二飛曹
丙飛16 和田時次 二飛曹
甲飛12 信太広蔵 二飛曹
乙飛17 鈴木辰蔵 一飛曹
甲飛9 村井明夫 上飛曹
海兵72 桜場正雄 中尉(櫻庭?)
乙飛16 窪田高市 上飛曹
丙飛13 桿田一幸 一飛曹
乙飛16 中村伊十郎 上飛曹
乙飛18 竹中友男 二飛曹
香川師13 佐川保男 少尉
乙飛13 岩田俊雄 上飛曹
乙飛18 小山良和 二飛曹
「特別攻撃隊の記録 海軍偏」による。
第一・第二・第三攻撃隊 各彗星500㎏爆装4機+各直掩零戦4機
第四(800㎏爆装)・第五攻撃隊(雷装) 各天山4機
九州沖航空戦 1945年3月18日から21日
1945年3月19日 室戸沖
空母ワスプ Wasp(CV-18) 大破 爆弾1発命中
戦死者101名 負傷者269名
(空母ワスプ CV7は1942年9月15日第二次ソロモン海戦で伊19潜水艦の雷撃で沈没)
In spite of valiant efforts of her gunners, on 19 March 1945, Wasp was hit with a 500-pound armor-piercing bomb. The bomb penetrated the flight deck and the armor-plated hangar deck, and exploded in the crew's galley. Many of her shipmates were having breakfast after being at general quarters all night. The blast disabled the number-four fire room. Around 102 crewmen were lost. Despite the losses, Wasp continued operations with the Task Group and the air group was carrying out flight operations 27 minutes after the damage. ウィキペディア
1945年3月19日 室戸沖 空母フランクリン Franklin (CV-13)
任務部隊」58.2 ダヴィドソン提督旗艦
大破 戦死者807名 負傷者487名